This code festival in a box is brought to you by Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network!

Welcome to Code.chella!

This portal is for the families of middle school students in Los angeles participating in a festival themed STEAM camp at home. This program is made possible through our partner - PSAYDN!

We have provided a few resources to make your Code.chella experience a success. You can access the Code.chella student handbook, parental guide, and get answers to any questions you may have at any time. If you require additional help with activities or have questions about the projects, you may email us at

To kick off your experience, below is a very special welcome video for your child, from Russell Westbrook - NBA all-star and entrepreneur.

We hope you find the activities in your camp-in-a-box to deliver hours of engaging hands-on activities that nourish student's needs for learning that's fun.